Basics of Effective Treatment in Drug Addiction
First of all, it is necessary to understand that drug/alcohol
(substances) addiction is a chronic, pervasive, relapsing disease as it prey
the individual’s brain abusing substances. Continuous and excessive usage of
these substances alter the original brain structure and functions thus,
compensatory mechanisms take their control to the original functions. That’s
why a person with Addiction faces difficulty in giving up of drugs/alcohol despite
of having complete treatment and follow up phases, cannot control his/her
craving (demand to take drugs) and gets repeatedly entrapped by relapsing
phases (till to their deaths). Thus altered brain mechanisms not only take part
in the development of uncontrolled habit of abusing substances but also compel
individuals with drug/alcohol addiction to must take substances to meet their
craving needs.
Process of treatment
When individual becomes addicted, no one area of life remains safe due
to addiction. That’s why addiction is said to be a bio-psycho-social-spiritual
disease. So, an effective treatment demands multiple strategies as per affected
area of life. Must remember that no single therapy is appropriate to treat a
person. A person needs eclectic (combination of strategies) approach to treat
or manage his/her substance. Detoxification (first line of treatment) alone is
hardly adequate to support addicted individuals to achieve long-term
abstinence. Pharmacological treatment provides an alternative but same
stimulation or pleasure as happens due to taking drugs. Person gradually slows
down his/her substance taking quantity. Psychological therapies are applied to
manage individuals’ life problems, related to all possible domains. Behavior
therapies are important in shaping their maladaptive behaviors and habits. These
therapies work on motivation, replacement, shaping, and resistance breaking
elements through the use of incentives or reinforcements. Physical therapies
facilitate their functional motor skills. Occupational therapies enhance their
occupational and motor facilitations. Speech and language therapies improve
their communicative, socio-cognitive, and swallowing issues. To get most
effective outcome, family therapy or counseling is a crucial component of
treatment. Family patterns, communication styles, and living styles need to be
change. Thus each type of selection of
treatment strategy depends upon their individual needs. Treatment selection
also depends upon individual’s age, gender, ethnicity, and culture. The
treatment that start from detoxification and goes through different therapeutic
strategic implications ends up with continuous follow ups to shape a goal
directed and meaningful life for patients.
Earlier & immediate treatment with appropriate timing and duration
(variable according to type and chronicity of addiction) enhances the chances
of recovery. Most of rehabilitation centers keep patients for 6 months (long
duration) or 1 month (short duration). As recovery from addiction is not
possible in most of cases. No complete cure to till date is possible. At
medical end recovery lays at chances. It all depends upon patient’s end. The
more the patient is motivated to give up it, the more the recovery is possible.
Recovery from substance addiction is a long term, complicated and difficult
process. Person with drug addiction has many relapses in his/her life and
undergoes multiple episodes of treatment. When patients faced more hurdles with
no better solutions, their chances to use substances increase. If they have
developed better cope up abilities and know how to deal with life difficult
circumstances, definitely they can defeat their drug/alcohol addiction habit.
So, there is a need to design an effective, motivational, goal achieving,
solution oriented and meaningful programs or strategies that engage patients to
adopt healthy and positive life styles. Such program must has all crucial
components (all life related aspects, goals and living standards, support
groups etc.) related to patient’s needs. Person with substance addiction must
be monitored continuously for their whole lives.
Therapist/counselor’s skills
v Must have background information
(substance definition, nature, types, modes, harmful effects etc.) knowledge
about medical and psychological illnesses, terms and conditions
v Must know about co-morbid
disorders/illnesses (e.g., HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, and other
infectious diseases; any other mental illness/disorder such as depression,
aggression, memory loss, etc.) that can co-occur with alcohol/drug addiction.
v Must be experienced and skilled
to deal with such patients
v Must be certified in substance
addiction treatment from a recognized and valid institute
v Must have knowledge about
pharmacology (Basics, types, working, side effects etc.)
v Must be an effective treatment
planner to cover all needed areas of life
v Must know the Referrals and
services available for such persons
Treatment providers should also inform patients that highly active
antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has proven effective in combating HIV, including
among drug-abusing populations, and help link them to HIV treatment if they
test positive. Substance abuse treatment facilities should provide onsite,
rapid HIV testing rather than referrals to offsite testing—research shows that
doing so increases the likelihood that patients will be tested and receive
their test results.
Basic Treatment Services
Inpatient & outpatient services
1. Detoxification services
2. Medications
3. Symptomatic treatments
4. Psychological treatments
5. Psycho-social interventions
6. Religious/spiritual
7. Relapse prevention services
8. Support/self-help group
Open access services
1. Psycho-education services
(patients, families, communities)
2. Parental training
3. Community based interventions
4. Prevention of adverse
consequences services (infectious diseases, AIDS/HIV, hepatitis B and C, each substance
use harmful effects, mental diseases, overdose risk exposures, injecting
equipment knowledge etc.)
5. Basic survival services, health,
welfare and legal services
From NGOs and Govt. services
1. Awareness day celebrations
2. Drug prevention walks
3. Training/awareness workshops
4. Awareness campaigns
Note: Community based treatment programs, awareness
campaigns, training programs are important. NGOs, Govt. and
psychological/social associations (societies, forums, foundations, institutions etc.) with collaboration can develop and introduce
such programs in more effective way. If campaigns will run at village, town, cities, provincial and
national levels by using man power and electronic/print media power then chance
will be increased to have a drug free environment. With continuation of data
collection, analysis and reporting, an accurate figure of evaluation can be